This school project revolves around designing an inforgaphic publication for a gym fitness chain. The two crucial phases of this project include understanding the client brief to create a suitable branding system and the creation of a booklet packed with a lot of data that needs to be presented in a visually appealing manner.
For this project, I came up with a fitness chain called 'Blue Ring Fitness'. I specifically chose this name because the client brief explicitly stated how their gym chain relies strongly on communication with its customers. The logo is made of the initials of this fitness chain - B and R - with a circle inside of it, that acts as a symbol of the ring.
The second phase, that is designing the booklet gave me a chance to expand my mindset and create unique infographics. One of my favorite parts of the project was indeed making these graphics and charts. I would encourage you to take a look at the whole design (scroll bellow!).